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Company Financials

4.8 ( 48 ratings )
İş Finans
Geliştirici: Altova GmbH

Explore & analyze US public company financial reports extracted from SEC filings

US public companies are required to file their financial reports - including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements - quarterly and annually with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The financial reports provide a snapshot of the financial health of a corporation and any investor interested in fundamental analysis will typically be looking at these reports in great detail and perform financial analysis, including the calculation of important financial ratios.

The Company Financials app lets you explore and analyze US public company high-level financial reports automatically extracted from the XBRL filings in the SECs EDGAR database. You can search by company name or stock ticker symbol and view the financial reports of the last four quarters or last four years as well as charts of annual or quarterly data reaching back several years. In addition, various financial ratios, such as current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, return on assets, return on equity, debt/equity ratio, capitalization ratio, asset turnover, free cash flow, and many others, are calculated and displayed for the last four quarters or last four years. This makes the Company Financials app very useful for education purposes, such as business school programs in the area of accounting, finance, or corporate management.

New company filings are processed and added to the database every night, and will be available in this app on the next morning.

For additional information about how the data was downloaded, analyzed, prepared, and aggregated, using Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server, as well as how you can easily build your own apps utilizing this data, please see our blog post:

Altova is a member of XBRL.US and the XBRL US Center for Data Quality to support the Data Quality Committee’s initiative to address the public’s concerns about the quality and usability of XBRL financial data filed with the SEC:

The SEC Filings made available by this mobile application have been extracted from EDGAR (, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in an automated method with no human review, quality check, or intervention. The information herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. Altova has no control over the information provided by EDGAR and cannot guarantee the sequence, accuracy, or completeness of any information or data from EDGAR, nor shall Altova be liable in any way to the reader or to any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever for any delays, inaccuracies, errors in, or omission of any such information or data or the transmission thereof, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon or for any damages arising therefrom or occasioned thereby or by reason of nonperformance or interruption, or termination, of the information or data for any cause whatsoever. Altova makes no representations or warranties with respect to the information contained in or made available by this mobile application and takes no responsibility for supplementing, updating or correcting any such information.